Update The Dream You Lot Recall The Most

Pann: Tell us near the dream y'all recall the most

1. [+391, -12] I was inwards a motorcoach in addition to the motorcoach all of a precipitous stopped. The driver got out of his spot in addition to pointed at me. He yelled, "the ugliest bitch hither needs to teach off!!!!!!!!!!!" I ignored him in addition to looked out the window to hold back chic only in addition to thence the driver said, "can't y'all encounter the reflection of your human face upwardly inwards the window?! Just how rigid are your eyes, y'all ugly bitch!!!!!" I cried in addition to broke the window to run off. Fuck. It was v years agone only I however recall it clearly. Fuck.

2. [+350, -6] Three guys inwards yellowish tights danced difficult in addition to said, "go ahead in addition to pee " ㅋㅋㅋㅋ And I collapsed inwards forepart of the toilet. I woke upwardly in addition to I was peeing on my bed. I fucking wanted to kill those assholes inwards tights.

3. [+346, -19] G-Dragon was my schoolhouse sunbae in addition to I truly liked him. Kwanghee all of a precipitous appeared in addition to said, "do y'all intend our Jiyong volition similar you? Our Jiyong? Omo omo omo omo delight Jiyong volition n.e.v.e.r similar individual similar you!" in addition to disappeared. Fuck...

4. [+112, -0] Have y'all always woke upwardly from a dream in addition to flora yourself crying? I was inwards tears...

5. [+112, -3] Kim Jung Un in addition to Park Geun Hye did a handshake in addition to I was betwixt them. Kim Jung Un called me pretty.

6. [+106, -1] My mother, who passed away, appeared inwards my dream inwards pretty clothe in addition to patted my shoulders. I woke upwardly in addition to cried.

7. [+98, -0] Someone was neat my window amongst a hammer. I was thence scared in addition to I position a TV in addition to cupboard inwards forepart of the window. I was shivering in addition to the neat audio was getting louder. I woke upwardly in addition to the audio was coming from my dongsaeng's shooting game, fuck.

8. [+83, -3] Fuck. I'm a guy in addition to I had a stupid dream. I was raped yesteryear 2 guys. It was fucking disgusting. It however makes me desire to throw up.

9. [+72, -1] As presently every bit I wake up, I invention to state people near my dream only I destination upwardly forgetting near it ㅠㅠ

10. [+40, -0] I was dating a guy inwards a dream in addition to nosotros planned to spotter a film inwards the evening. We went to my solid because I needed to select handgrip of something. He robbed my solid in addition to ran away.

11. [+34, -1] Before a test, I saw a brusk answer query inwards a dream. I woke upwardly in addition to the query was thence vivid, thence I looked upwardly the answer in addition to memorized everything. The query truly appeared on the test! But this variety of luck solely comes in ane lawsuit

12. [+19, -2] I went to McDonalds in addition to SNSD was eating hamburgers. I went to them without thinking in addition to said, "wow, I'm a fan." Suddenly, they got up, stood inwards a trouble inwards forepart of me, in addition to started slapping me in addition to ran away ㅋㅋ Yoona was the showtime ane to slap me amongst a real excited human face upwardly ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They all slapped my left cheek. EXO Kai appeared at the destination in addition to he was near to slap my left cheek, only he said "fake", slapped my correct cheek, in addition to ran off existent quick.

13. [+15, -0] I saw a huge chunk of center on a dining tabular array in addition to I ate it recklessly. At unopen to point, I looked at it carefully in addition to I was truly eating an infant.

14. [+13, -0] I'm a daughter only inwards my dream, I had a penis in addition to a doc told me that I was a guy from now. I was curious thence I went to a bath in addition to masturbated. I also wanted to masturbate amongst my anus. I intend I'm fucking crazy.

15. [+12, -0] I was riding a slide amongst a several adults that were fully naked

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