Update Sulli's Hereafter & F(X)

(Pann talks nigh how Sulli volition regret leaving f(x) inwards the hereafter & how the members await to a greater extent than friendly afterward her withdrawal)


Pann: Let me brand a prediction on Sulli

1. [+227, -14] Let me likewise brand a prediction. After a few years, when this effect is died down, she's gonna come upwards dorsum for acting. If she hits big, the fangirls volition say, "yes, she was meant to human activity merely SM forced her to live on an idol!" If she fails, she's gonna larn a lot of hate.

2. [+191, -15] Her acting is actually bad. They tell she's gonna cinema a flick to live on the minute Suzy.

3. [+189, -72] Krystal's acting is much improve than Sulli's ㅋㅋ Soojung is suffering then much. I promise the best for her.

4. [+62, -5] She can't act, can't dance, can't sing, is non proficient on diversity shows, together with has null talent. She's null merely a Facebook ulzzang ㅋㅋ Also she's immature.

5. [+59, -1] She'll live on actually shameless if she asks to bring together f(x) again

6. [+47, -2] Krystal's acting is better, including High Kick together with The Heirs. Her acting is much improve than Sulli's terrible acting.

7. [+46, -1] She believes that she tin dismiss alive an slowly life amongst her face

8. [+45, -2] The iv members appear to live on to a greater extent than bounded afterward Sulli left. I don't recall they'll scrap anymore!

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