Update Icon Bi Bullies Chanwoo On Broadcast

Bobby tells Jinhwan that he'll purchase kernel if Chanwoo talks informally to Jinhwan too he stays calm.

Jinhwan: It's OK, larn ahead too swear at him
Chanwoo: (hesitates)
BI: (starts getting annoyed) Hurry upwardly (hits him)
Chanwoo: Really?
BI: (hits him) Just create it ! (glances at the camera)
Jinhwan: Act comfortably to hyung
BI: Just create it ! (hits Chanwoo's confront too his chapeau flies away)
Chanwoo: (picks upwardly his hat)


Pann: Shocking personalities of iKON from yesterday's broadcast

1. [+661, -141] Look at BI's face, I tin nation his true-self he's been hiding. Looking at how he glances at the camera, I intend he behaves recklessly when there's no photographic idiot box camera around. And YG must live on enjoying this attending because iKON volition debut.

2. [+636, -113] BI was wretched afterwards that. He gave kernel to Chanwoo because "he liked Chanwoo's behavior"... What the fuck is he doing? I used to similar iKON but it's uncomfortable how the members convey to deed upon BI too Bobby.

3. [+498, -90] I'm a fan of iKON too I was too surprised when I watched this. I'm a maknae at a lot of situations too I experience too thence embarrassed when I larn bullied similar that ㅠㅠ That's non right. He can't live on defended for that. They're going to debut soon, I'm worried.

4. [+260, -39] Look at BI's confront inwards the commencement gif. It's a typical confront that iljins brand when they slap-up weaker ones to demonstrate off. So disgusting.

5. [+217, -43] Do yous fans actually desire to stan him? Embezzler's boy amongst trashy personalities. I e'er didn't empathise why fangirls stanned idols amongst controversial personalities but these fangirls are the virtually extreme.

6. [+207, -41] iKON fans postulate people to process iKON equally artists ㅋㅋㅋㅋ For non-fans, they're simply mediocre idols. How pathetic.

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