Update Hyuna Inwards The Mess Of Northward Korean Attack

Article: Hyuna, "Sexy is the path I accept to become through... 'A+' I desire to hold out complimented"

Source: Yeon Hap via Naver

1. [+202, -18] Why is this breaking news

2. [+151, -12] It's non the fourth dimension to ground most sexy

3. [+120, -5] Why is Kim Jung Un too thus provocative when he's non fifty-fifty sexy

4. [+119, -9] Kim Jung Un, facial expression for a 2nd because Hyuna is having a comeback

5. [+113, -12] Why is this breaking news? Entertainment intelligence are barely on breaking intelligence unless it's a scandal or a death.

6. [+94, -8] Is this of import when we're most to human face upward a war?

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