Update Or Together With Then Other Pop Entertainer Gets Blackmailed For His Sexual Practice Tape

Article: [Exclusive] Popular entertainer Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 gets blackmailed, 'give 100 1 M m won or your sexual activity record volition travel released'

Source: The Fact via Nate

Article says 'A has been promoting amongst a form as well as build clean image' as well as talks virtually how manly individual celebrities (e.g. Gary as well as A) are the target nowadays.

1. [+733, -41] So who's A?

2. [+582, -18] Who films that form of videos? If it's non a hidden camera, thus it must travel 1 of them

3. [+298, -16] The article sounds similar the occupation is Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 getting blackmailed as well as the video truly exists.

4. [+53, -4] Let's protect A's privacy. Having sexual activity is non a crime... The individual who's blackmailing is the problem.

5. [+52, -17] Celebrities are humans, there's zero incorrect amongst them having sex. Sex is non a wrongdoing, why is this a fuss? Sibal, sexual activity sex!!

6. [+51, -4] I'm certain at that spot are to a greater extent than sexual activity tapes of celebrities, they're simply non released

7. [+47, -0] The painting makes it appear similar Gary is blackmailing A

8. [+45, -7] Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 is non fifty-fifty Gary, I'm worried that people volition misunderstand

9. [+41, -2] Very unlike from Yebbeun (Jiyeon). If her video wasn't true, thus this is how she should've dealt.

10. [+31, -1] I don't know who it is but the video must travel truthful because he's non refuting it similar Gary ㅋㅋ

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