Update Reddish Velvet's Songs Vs Gfriend's Songs

Pann: Red Velvet's songs vs GFriend's songs

1. [+166, -39] GFriend's novel vocal is honestly good. "Dreaming equally I pray From today, nosotros are " I dice along singing it ㅋㅋ I retrieve GFriend's vocal is to a greater extent than public-friendly.

2. [+141, -86] GFriend's vocal is to a greater extent than high quality. They're both at a same score but SM songs accept shitty lyrics, as well as hence Happiness was shocking. Ice Cream has a skillful tune but I accept no consider what the lyrics mean.

3. [+125, -33] I retrieve GFriend's vocal is to a greater extent than public-friendly but I prefer Red Velvet. People only about me nation the "lalalala" purpose is scary but I'm the alone i who likes it ㅋㅋ

4. [+89, -8] Red Velvet for me. I actually similar their mysterious aura. I constitute myself singing it. I unremarkably don't head to daughter groups.

5. [+81, -46] Isn't it definitely Red Velvet when it comes to the quality? Ice Cream Cake mini album was i of the chosen albums at Bae Chul Soo's Music Camp. They were the alone idol grouping that was chosen. Red Velvet for me, of course.

6. [+76, -1] Red Velvet's b-sides are good. Listen to them if y'all accept fourth dimension

7. [+71, -0] Both groups accept such unlike music styles

8. [+70, -0] GFriend picks skillful songs

9. [+65, -0] I similar both Ice Cream Cake as well as Me Gustas Tu. To compare their debut songs Happiness as well as Glass Bead, I retrieve Glass Bead is to a greater extent than public-friendly as well as better. But I too similar Red Velvet's songs.

10. [+59, -13] GFriend has amend songs. I accept no consider what Ice Cream Cake was trying to tell.

11. [+54, -3] Red Velvet for me because I similar powerful as well as vivid songs

12. [+52, -2] Red Velvet's vocal is to a greater extent than unique as well as scary but it's my style. I dear the chorus.

13. [+52, -18] I'm certain y'all guys would've bashed GFriend to expiry if they sang Ice Cream Cake ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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