Update Recent Blind Items

- Actor Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 is nigh to interruption his waist because he has to feed his family. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 is non a Pb component subdivision textile only he has quite of a large popularity. Because of that, his menage unit of measurement demands a lot of coin from him. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 should spend upwards to to only he keeps giving coin to them endlessly. An insider says, "he fifty-fifty gets loans alongside high interests to back upwards his family. He's withal non settled equally an component subdivision instrumentalist yet, it's worrisome."

- Popular component subdivision instrumentalist B has variety looks. But dissimilar his looks, he's a real jealous person. He likewise talks behind people's backs together with build other actors together with staff dislike each other. When to a greater extent than or less other actor's companionship buys dinner to the staff together with other actors, he gets mad at his companionship together with says, "I'm the lead, why inwards the globe are you lot guys non doing anything?" He likewise compares the build cars together with wearing clothing of other actors together with complains to his company. He likewise makes the human relationship betwixt the PD together with other actors become bad.

- Recently, a woman mortal vocaliser C released a solo album afterwards a while. She offered a woman mortal vocaliser D to appear inwards her music video because they used to live on nether the same companionship together with were close. However, D rejected the offering correct away. It's non because D doesn't similar C, it's because D doesn't similar C's companionship which she was likewise under. Wrongful contract is stronger than friendship.

- Road managers are i of the biggest concerns of amusement companies nowadays. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 companionship CEO says, "it's non slow to hire a manager. They commonly quit afterwards two three months. When I contact to a greater extent than or less managers that quit, they outset inquire me nigh the pay. It's truthful that their chore is difficult alongside depression pay only it's non slow to honour one." Another CEO says, "in the past, nosotros scolded them when they were belatedly or when they did something wrong. But now, nosotros can't scold them anymore because they mightiness quit. Recently, in that place are a lot of managers that cutting off contacts without a word."


Instiz: Recently blind items

- The final blind detail nigh cutting off contacts reminds me of someone ^^ Seonho, delight operate properly ^^
-- Seonho cutting off contacts?
--- Yes, Sunggyu talked nigh it on Weekly Idol

- The 3rd blind detail seems similar Stephanie... She had a solo comeback on Show Champion yesterday
-- I don't intend Stephanie is nether SM anymore, though?
--- No, it's contract on consigned. She's withal nether SM technically.
--- If you lot search on Naver, it says she's nether SM

- I experience bad for component subdivision instrumentalist A... He's withal non settled only fifty-fifty gets loans to back upwards his family...

- If it's difficult to honour a manager, thus they should pay their managers a lot. People spend upwards to exercise the chore because it's difficult alongside depression pay.

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