Update Ideal Types Of Teenage Girls In Addition To Women Inwards Their 20'S

Ideal type of teenage girls
- Not muscular body. Skinny type.
- Standard pilus cutting amongst bangs. Bowl cut.
- Cute guys amongst aegyo together with jokes.
- No mustache or beard.
- Pale, soft guys.
- "Flower boys"

Ideal type of women inward their 20's
- Muscular bodies
- No bowl cut. Waxed hair.
- Manly together with subject guys.
- Mustache/beard accepted.
- Rough pare vs soft pare - illustration yesteryear case
- Low-tone voice


Pann: Ideal types of teenage girls together with women inward their 20's

1. [+108, -3] It's true. But I'm a teenager together with I stimulate got 20's taste. I prefer muscular guys over skinny together with handsome guys.

2. [+80, -3] I'm a high schoolhouse educatee only I stimulate got 20's taste. I don't similar pale together with skinny guys. I similar muscular, dark, together with subject guys.

3. [+49, -44] Teenagers similar it when guys article of apparel thick spectacles only women inward their 20's don't similar them. They prefer normal glasses, similar Choi Daniel together with Sung Si Kyung.

4. [+27, -1] Every guy's ideal type: pale together with pretty adult woman amongst big breasts together with a big pelvis

5. [+22, -1] I'm inward my 20's only I prefer guys similar Song Joong Ki, Baekhyun, together with Park Bo Gum. I besides similar the guys of 20's sense of savor only I prefer teenagers' style.

6. [+17, -1] It's real accurate. I'm inward my belatedly 20's together with I prefer the manner of Lee Jinwook, Shin Hakyun, together with Park Haeil. I actually loathe skinny together with pale guys amongst dyed pilus together with feminine looks. I used to similar feminine guys when I was immature only every 2d I aged, my preference started switching to muscular together with subject guys.

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