Update Taeyeon's Brother

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- His message on his Cyworld

"You know, there's 1 matter that people painfully misunderstand.
Woongi's father, Woong's mom's heed as well as my thoughts are unlike from others.
I don't wishing anything from you. Not at all.
After I entered midpoint school, you lot were already an ajumma.
Your thoughts were already mature similar a noona as well as your determination making was pro.
Even when nosotros lived far from each other, your correct, build clean as well as cool mentality e'er had me reflecting.
I trust you lot 200%, I'm certain you'll succeed.
I desire you lot to non pressure level yourself as well as decease along similar how you're doing now.
I actually wishing the confidence you lot receive got would likewise hold out mine.
Eating iii meals a day, staying healthy, as well as grin oftentimes would hold out the best matter nosotros tin produce every bit skillful children.
Have a brilliant as well as productive day.
I know you'll produce good because you're my dongsaeng.
Your trouble solid unit of measurement is e'er at your back. I dearest you. Cheers."

"I can't actually contact her these days. I likewise hesitate to contact her because she mightiness hold out busy.
Don't skip meals as well as brand certain you lot accept medicine for the cold.
I'm simply proud of you lot because you lot don't complain as well as operate hard.
I'll give you lot popcorn as well as then let's encounter at the top. Cheers!"


1. [+127, -26] His aura reminds me of Joonmen.

2. [+93, -11] I envy her... I simply glanced at my ain blood brother as well as he was picking his olfactory organ spell watching TV.

3. [+78, -14] Hul.... He's as well as then handsome.

4. [+18, -1] Is he media-playing to debut every bit a celebrity?

5. [+16, -3] On Taeyeon's Instagram, there's a video of him playing a guitar. My pump crunch as well as then fast when I watched it... He's as well as then handsome. The siblings are both cute. 

6. [+11, -9] He gives off the vibe of Joonmyun similar this. Not his looks, his aura.

s 1 matter that people painfully misunderstand Update Taeyeon's brother

7. [+11, -3] The siblings are both pretty as well as handsome ㅋㅋㅋ Btw Taeyeon was as well as then cute when she was little.

8. [+10, -3] The 4th film looks similar Kim Joonmyun.

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