Update Taeyeon's Bare Appear Upward (Feat. Jo Kwon)

Pann: Taeyeon's bare human face upward on Get it Beauty Self

<Jo Kwon.jpg>


1. [+202, -24] Park Bo Young on Get it Beauty. This is the existent bare human face upward ㅋㅋㅋ Park Bo Young withal looks prettier.

ve gotten a lot of beauty assist together with yet she Update Taeyeon's bare human face upward (feat. Jo Kwon)

2. [+184, -12] The winner is...?

ve gotten a lot of beauty assist together with yet she Update Taeyeon's bare human face upward (feat. Jo Kwon)

3. [+126, -5] I'm a Taeyeon fan ㅋㅋ She actually does hold off similar Jo Kwon. But I'm sure enough it's non her bare face... she has base of operations makeup on. Look at her lips...

4. [+82, -5] Taeyeon seriously looks similar a non-celebrity... She must've gotten a lot of beauty assist together with yet she's still...

5. [+75, -5] Why did she instruct her olfactory organ done... It powerfulness hold off pretty when she has makeup on but her cute-lovely vibe disappeared amongst it. She looks similar a catfish.

6. [+67, -1] That's non a bare face. She drew her eyebrows, eyeliner together with did her lips.

7. [+58, -4] She actually looks similar Jo Kwon ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I used to intend she was the prettiest SNSD fellow member but I estimate she's not. I straightaway know why Yoona is the center. Yoona withal looked pretty when she didn't convey makeup on.

8. [+52, -9] She's getting uglier equally she's aging.

9. [+50, -2] Jo Kwon was on Get it Beauty.

10. [+44, -2] Taeyeon looks similar a goddess amongst a lot of makeup but she looks a flake ugly when she has no makeup on... Ah it actually doesn't hold off similar Taeyeon. And I'm sure enough she has eyeliner on, give thank you lot god she had base of operations makeup on. She withal has a pretty human face upward cast together with then she looks expert inwards whatsoever hairstyle together with makeup does wonders for her... She's pop amid guys because she's charming. But what's sure enough is that she doesn't actually convey pretty human face upward features... But the vibe of her is attractive together with then fifty-fifty though she looks similar Jo Kwon inwards this picture, it won't deport on her popularity...

11. [+38, -8] Are you lot fans maxim that we're only beingness butthurt? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's obvious that Taeyeon is ugly together with then why would nosotros last butthurt at her? If I were to last butthurt, I'll at to the lowest degree last butthurt at Sulli. Why would I last butthurt at person who looks similar an octopus' leg instead of Jun Ji Hyun? SNSD cockroach fans are together with then delusional.

ve gotten a lot of beauty assist together with yet she Update Taeyeon's bare human face upward (feat. Jo Kwon)

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