Update Possible Candidates For Exo Fandom Name

Pann: Hul!!!!!! EXO fandom names!!!

1. Jing Uh (TN: octopus)

2. Wendy / Tinker Bell

3. Exis (TN: extract) / Excellent / Exorcist

4. In Uh (TNmermaid)

5. Maylily

6. Exotic

7. From footing / From Us

8. Michael (TN: a cite of a Church)


These are the candidates. Which ones produce you lot guys like?


1. [+163, -15] I likewise saw EXO-L equally a candidate. L is betwixt K too thousand too L likewise way love. EXO-L

2. [+150, -23] In Uhㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ mermaid ㅋㅋㅋㅋ what the hell ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I accept to tell "I'm a mermaid" to my friends ㅋㅋㅋ In winning speeches, EXO says "thanks to our mermaids" ㅋㅋㅋ Jing Uh is only stupid. Wendy or Tinker Bell is the best

3. [+122, -13] I similar EXO-L the best ㅠㅠㅠ EXO dearest too likewise betwixt thousand too K!! 

4. [+32, -0] In Uh is only no. I can't larn some too telephone telephone myself a mermaid

5. [+23, -4] Seriously out of those, Wendy is the finest. I desire it to last lovely similar Beauty, Bana too Baby. I retrieve I'll similar it if EXO says "thank you lot our Wendys". EXO likewise has a vocal called Peter Pan. The vocal way to last together forever, it suits Wendy

6. [+21, -2] Tbh Wendy too Tinker Bell are cringe-worthy...

7. [+15, -1] I approximate I'm non the alone 1 who dislikes all of them

8. [+14, -3] Wendy reminds me of Elf... I similar EXO-L because it has meanings. EXO-K, EXO-L, EXO-M. L is betwixt K too M. EXO hwaiting <3

9. [+13, -0] EXO-L volition frustrate workers... If they search "excel", EXO fandom volition popular upwards instead.
(TN: If you lot shorten EXO-L inwards Korean, it spells the same equally excel)

10. [+11, -0] Ah seriously EXO-L is then dumb. It's freaking cringe-worthy. EXO-L is only no, why would you lot cite a fandom to last equivalent with the grouping name?

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