Update Vixx's Visual, Hongbin

Pann: Vixx Hongbin who shines


1. [+69, -25] Is he the guy who was on Good Day yesterday? I almost threw the remote spell watching the drama ㅋㅋㅋ He was every bit good much, I mean, doesn't he exercise acting at all?? He was freaking cringe-worthy. Those who watched the drama yesterday would know what I'm talking about.

2. [+41, -6] Handsome handsome.

 Is he the guy who was on Good Day yesterday Update Vixx's visual, Hongbin

3. [+33, -7] I dear you lot for writing nearly him <3

 Is he the guy who was on Good Day yesterday Update Vixx's visual, Hongbin

4. [+24, -3] I'm non a Vixx fan but Hongbin is actually handsome... If he was a talented actor, he would've actually suited Yoo Jung Yeok's grapheme inward Cheese inward the Trap... He's tall, he has proficient looks as well as broad shoulders.

5. [+17, -2] I'm a guy as well as I desire to born amongst his confront if I'm born again. Softly handsome features that don't campaign divided opinions.

6. [+16, -0] I'm a Vixx fan but I desire him to exercise acting. I was watching the drama as well as his acting was seriously... I can't defend him but because I'm a fan... He should exercise a lot.

7. [+13, -0] His pitiful acting aside, his facial expressions were also awkward as well as then I don't recall he suits every bit an actor. Idols hold off the best when they perform on a stage.

8. [+11, -1] I'm a Hongbinnie fan but I can't defend him for his acting... Hongbin-ah, exercise acting, every bit a Starlight, I'll cheer for you.

 Is he the guy who was on Good Day yesterday Update Vixx's visual, Hongbin

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