Update Casts On Roommate Perish Differing Responses

Pann: True personalities are all revealed

The controversial present Roommate was aired as well as the get-go episode already showed the expert as well as bad personalities.

Park Bom as well as Chanyeol seemed to convey actually expert personalities, but Nana as well as Lee Sora... They told Lee Dongwook to acquit their stuff. He asked Park Bom if she wanted him to acquit hers but she politely refused. Lee Sora made Park Bom slumber on the couch because she wanted to hang out alongside him, similar why?

One of the rules was that they were strongly recommended to date... are they out of their mind? ㅋㅋㅋ Anyways I promise Park Bom as well as Park Chanyeol would succeed, they convey cracking personalities. I promise Nana as well as Lee Sora would larn from the criticisms.


1. [+154, -6] It'd live expert to convey Park Bom equally a friend.

2. [+136, -6] Seriously Nana was then different. The guys carried Nana's materials as well as she didn't fifty-fifty seemed to eager to acquit it.

3. [+133, -18] Honestly I watched it because of Chanyeol as well as fifty-fifty if I exclude my fan-mind, he seemed to convey expert personalities. I intend Nana was fine because she took assist of Lee Sora but Lee Sora's personalities are besides headstrong. She also has a difficult aura as well as I intend it's because she runs her ain business. And why does Hong Soo Hyun operate yesteryear along sticking on the guys? I used to similar her but I was then disappointed. "Strongly recommend dating", are they crazy? This is actually besides much.

4. [+71, -2] Chanyeol was then well-mannered... Park siblings are the nearly charming ones... I promise they both acquire friends.

5. [+68, -2] I watched this as well as I was totally disappointed alongside around celebrities I used to like. I specially liked Hong Soo Hyun because she's pretty as well as is a expert actress. I also liked Lee Sora because she was cool on Infinity Challenge. I was disappointed alongside them. I used to non similar Park Bom but directly I similar her. 

6. [+66, -1] I watched it because of Chanyeol but I'm falling for Park Bom.

7. [+65, -1] It's a reality show, of course of report their existent personalities would live shown... If they were to alive together, they convey to acquire along good but the shape doesn't stand upward for good then it's already getting then many criticisms when it's simply the get-go episode... And the subtitles are weird, too. I'm certain someone volition impairment their picture on this show. I personally constitute Lee Dongwook, Park Bom, as well as Chanyeol kind. I nonetheless convey to picket it to a greater extent than to fully know... And Park Bom was inwards the preview a lot because she had many fans anticipating her but inwards the actual episode, she didn't present much.

8. [+61, -3] I used to sentiment Park Bom equally so-so because of her plastic surgical physical care for but afterwards watching this episode, I intend she's a actually expert soul to live around. She's well-mannered as well as she has cool personalities. She was then cute when she ate staff of life as well as savage asleep ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+56, -3] Honestly Park Bom has 4D personalities then she doesn't convey unpleasant personalities. Anyone would similar her personalities. It's fortunate that they pose Park Bom inwards Roommate. The casts were ho-hum except for a few.

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