Update Dad Where Are Y'all Going Wins A Daesang At Houston International Celluloid Festival

Article: 'Dad Where Are You Going' wins TV Variety Show daesang at Houston International Film Festival


1. [+1752, -11] Amazing! I mean value the originality of the demonstrate is amazing. Other shows are copying this demonstrate these days... ㅠ

2. [+1258, -21] Dad Where Are You Going in addition to Miracle of Henna are understandable only Hundred Year Inheritance?

3. [+1266, -65] But this is the reality - Superman is winning over Dad Where Are You Going... I experience bitter. And KBS yet calls themselves a national broadcast

4. [+612, -10] Congrats

5. [+223, -7] H5N1 shameless demonstrate similar Superman doesn't deserve awards. They copied the format in addition to they fifty-fifty fix the fourth dimension slot to survive slightly before than Dad Where Are You Going. Such a dingy method

6. [+221, -1] Dad Where Are You Going was God's move ㅋㅋㅋ Now everybody's copying the show, tsk tsk. The demonstrate volition fifty-fifty become meliorate because Jung Woong In is joining the show!

7. [+190, -3] Honestly the demonstrate deserves the award... It saved Lord's Day Night when it was dying

8. [+185, -2] Superman should give thank you lot DWAYG staff in addition to become official permission. Even Cathay bought the demonstrate format in addition to they striking daebak. Meanwhile, a formal Korean broadcast channel is totally copying the show. I experience then bad for DWAYG producer...

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