Update Grades Of Woman Somebody Idols' Acting Skills

Pann: Grades of woman somebody idols' acting skills

Sooyoung: A

Suzy: B

Yewon: A-

Naeun: B

IU: B+

Sulli: B+

Eunji: A

Uee: A-

Seungyeon: D

Seolhyun: C-

Eunjung: C

Yoona: B

Jooyeon: D

Jiyeon: B+

Jessica: F

Yuri: C-

A concluding year's list. It was graded past times a professor.


1. [+119, -56] Of course of didactics Sooyoung is improve than Yoona, my eyes weren't wrong. Yewon hasn't actually shown anything but she graded high. Suzy should endure graded lower too Han Seungyeon deserves an F. IU could instruct an A...

2. [+104, -47] Yoona has been acting for vii years too all the same there's no solution for her. I watched Prime Minister too I too I seriously saw no solution for her.

3. [+62, -14] Jessica got an F???

4. [+48, -14] Jung Eunji - Great acting inward Reply. Son Naeun - Kim Soo Hyun's drama "Childless Comfort" did ok. I'm non a fan of IU but her acting was good, she was inward a higher house average.

5. [+46, -45] I tin concur amongst all but why did IU solely instruct a B+? I intend she should endure graded higher.

6. [+45, -9] Suzy has a pretty aspect upwardly but her acting inward Architecture 101 though ㅋㅋㅋ She's all most her face.

7. [+35, -9] I intend IU, Eunji too Sooyoung are the best out of them.

8. [+28, -13] Uee is non at the flat to endure compared to them. Why did she solely instruct an A-?

9. [+24, -24] 
A: IU, Sooyoung, Eunji
B: Uee, Yewon, Jiyeon
C: Suzy, Naeun, Sulli
The remainder of them bring no solutions

10. [+23, -6] If Jessica gets an F, Suzy should instruct an F, too.

11. [+22, -5] Suzy got a B????????? She should endure graded agency below that.

12. [+22, -11] I intend Sooyoung, IU too Uee are the best. I was then surprised amongst Sooyoung because she was then good. For Uee, her picture is to a greater extent than of an actress than an After School member. I was worried for IU but she did well. The remainder of them is so-so... Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of people praise Jung Eunji's acting but it's because she chose a correct character. She was mediocre inward That Winter...

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