Update Common Bom's Unique Stockings

Pann: Park Bom a maniac of unique stockings ㅋㅋ


1. [+104, -3] I'm looking forwards to meet Park Bom on Roommate ㅋㅋㅋ It's her kickoff diversity demo as well as she said she gained a lot of proficient memories.. She posted a pic of a pilus ring that her roommate made for her. I mean value she's actually excited ㅋㅋ

2. [+66, -4] Whoa await how skinny her legs are when she's sitting down, mines would explode... Bom unnie is pretty <3 I'm anticipating Roommate. I promise she would hold upward funny similar 2NE1 TV <3

m looking forwards to meet Park Bom on Roommate  Update Park Bom's unique stockings

3. [+55, -0] The kickoff pic was made past times Lee Sora, she gave it to Bommie on Roommate.

4. [+20, -1] We croak to meet Park Bom similar this.. ㅋㅋㅋ So many gifs volition hold upward formed

m looking forwards to meet Park Bom on Roommate  Update Park Bom's unique stockings

5. [+18, -1] She's cute similar this ㅠㅠ

m looking forwards to meet Park Bom on Roommate  Update Park Bom's unique stockings

6. [+15, -0] 2NE1 e'er greet their hoobaes ㅋㅋ Park Bom fifty-fifty bows to fresh rookies as well as CL did to Crayon Pop...

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