Update U-Kiss Gets Recognition Amongst Their Honour For The Ferry Disaster

Requested post

Article: U-Kiss wears the yellowish ribbon at a Japanese baseball game pitch 'touching', it was non planned beforehand


1. [+6644, -208] So U-Kiss is withal promoting.

2. [+4826, -244] U-Kiss is too hence sort bb

3. [+4584, -326] I desire U-Kiss to hold upwardly popular, it's been 4 years since they debuted ㅠㅠ

4. [+4212, -118] I experience too hence bad for U-Kiss, they're withal unpopular.

5. [+2780, -198] So cool ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

6. [+486, -27] I exclusively knew Dongho for vii years too he left the group...

7. [+434, -10] I experience bad for U-Kiss, they debuted vii years agone too yet the best reply is proverb 4 years ㅜ

8. [+391, -14] They pick out a lot of practiced songs... I intend their fellowship is too hence powerless ㅠㅠ They're non promoting the grouping well.

9. [+389, -22] I'm non their fan only I experience too hence bad, let's larn pop straight off ㅠㅠ I promise they convey a practiced song, await for practiced timing, too hitting big... I intend I'll flare-up into tears if they win 1st.

10. [+282, -18] Impressed alongside U-Kiss, they're cool.

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