Update G.O.D Makes A Comeback

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Pann: g.o.d makes a comeback... how long did it take??


1. [+127, -10] When I hear "Lies", I mean value of g.o.d, non Bigbang.... Even though it's an onetime generation, it's nevertheless a large happiness together with a luck to know g.o.d ㅠㅠㅠ g.o.d is beloved <3

2. [+90, -10] K to the Y to the due east Sang I'm Kyesang My rap is fantastic

D to the H5N1 to the Double north Y! I'm Danny uh! Forever beloved uh!
H to the O to the I I'm Hoyoung! together with I'm hence young!
T to the H5N1 to the due east woo woo woo woooo
Danny! Kyesang, Hoi, Taewoo, together with who am I?? Jjoooo oooon!!!!!!!

I nevertheless guide maintain a g.o.d poster posted inward my room! Hurry upwardly together with come upwardly dorsum g.o.d!!!!!

3. [+72, -8] Here comes the existent ones!!! I cheer for g.o.d's comeback!!

4. [+25, -2] Wooo dark squealer woo soulless squealer woo skinny squealer woo grin squealer woo squealer pig woo squealer household unit of measurement woo squealer household unit of measurement Who knows this? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+19, -0] I nevertheless cry "G! O! D! jjang!" inward my hear whenever I hear to Lies... Thank y'all for uniting in 1 trial to a greater extent than <3

6. [+15, -0] I'm an H.O.T fan. I used to grapple amongst g.o.d fans hence much dorsum hence merely at in 1 trial I envy them. Have fun at the concert!! I promise H.O.T would unite too. I missy the days when they used to fill upwardly Jamshil auditorium.

7. [+13, -0] Ah... this is happening... I'm crying ugh... ㅠㅠ

8. [+12, -0] I know teenagers wouldn't endure interested inward them merely if you're reading this comment, I recommend One Candle, Road, Lies, Again, Longing That's More Hurtful than Breaking Up, Why, together with Come Back. There are many proficient songs these days merely if y'all desire to hear to ho-hum tempos together with calm songs, drive listening to them.

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