Update Seo Jiyoung Gives Nativity To A Daughter, Netizens Don't Congratulate Her For Her Muddied Past

Article: Seo Jiyoung gives nativity to a fille on the tertiary "I'm too thus happy"


1. [+196, -19] You're too thus happy because y'all gave nativity to a baby??? I actually loathe you.

2. [+155, -7] Seo Jiyoung seriously... She threatened Lee Jihye alongside Ryucifer too had her mom musical rhythm out upward Lee Jihye ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Freaking scary...

3. [+133, -6] I don't tending if you're happy, simply don't come upward on TV, newspapers or anything. Your grinning confront looks too thus fake.

4. [+23, -2] Don't give-up the ghost similar your mom... I'm maxim this because I can't curse at a novel baby.

5. [+19, -2] Tsk tsk.

6. [+18, -3] I experience bad for Lee Jihye.

7. [+17, -2] I'm worried for the baby's future. The to a higher house H2O has to endure build clean to convey the below H2O clean.

8. [+17, -2] Don't allow your nipper give-up the ghost along the Internet, don't allow her know what a bitch y'all are.

9. [+16, -2] She's a actually amazing bitch. If y'all know what she had done, y'all tin hand notice never want her a happy life.

10. [+13, -2] Lee Jihye the Bodhisattva

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