Update Sm Pisses Off Shawols Alongside Their Changed Disceptation Nigh Onew's Musical

Article: SM C&C "We're notwithstanding discussing Onew's sort inwards 'Singing inwards the Rain'"


1. [+187, -6] What the hell. SM should non mistreat Shinee.

2. [+141, -6] Can't they only liberate Onew's ballad solo?

3. [+113, -5] They said it was confirmed together with they took it back, isn't it to much? They should reckon how nosotros fans mean value ㅠㅠ

4. [+84, -6] I. Like. Onew. Hundred. Thousand. Times. More. Than. Baekhyun.

5. [+59, -2] I personally don't desire him to endure inwards it. It'll endure an obvious flop considering how SM is producing it ㅋㅋ Jinki-ya, I promise you lot would produce ameliorate musicals than that.

6. [+50, -2] SM-ah, Shinee is non your toy.

7. [+44, -0] Of course of didactics SM is non letting Shinee fans to endure peaceful ^^... 

8. [+46, -2] They shouldn't convey posted the articles inwards the starting fourth dimension place. They starting fourth dimension media-played it together with directly they're changing their statements. I desire to run across him inwards much ameliorate musicals than this.

9. [+39, -0] I read that Onew fifty-fifty participated inwards the practice. So what produce they hateful past times "in discussions"? What is this situation?

10. [+39, -1] They said it was confirmed together with that he was practicing. The media-played it together with then much together with directly they're similar "we're non certain if he would endure inwards it " They told us that he would endure inwards it together with directly they're discussing it? Are they pulling a joke?

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