Update Hyuna's Recent Photoshoot

Pann: Hyuna's novel photoshoot looking similar a saltation college student 


1. [+99, -17] I idea she was having a tum ache on the bus...

2. [+66, -21] So my Definition of "looking innocent" was wrong.

3. [+48, -24] Her pose... does she desire to guide maintain a dump

4. [+31, -21] Butthurt bitches, only acknowledge that you lot guys are jealous ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+19, -18] Tbh it's so-so. Hyuna fans snuff it along posting the cute selcas as well as tell Hyuna tin line both sexy as well as cute... but this photoshoot proves that she can't.

6. [+18, -0] Hyuna is pretty as well as the photoshoot is okay but I don't sympathize why they had to larn all the agency to Nippon for it. It could easily last taken inwards Korea. H5N1 waste materials of money.

7. [+17, -9] These jealous orks who larn enraged when they run across the discussion "Hyuna". They can't tending but banking concern stand upwards for this postal service because they can't deny that she's pretty. And they larn enraged i time again ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+15, -6] Be well-mannered first.

9. [+13, -2] Huh I'm a daughter but I honour this photoshoot actually pretty... It looks cool.

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