Update Miranda Kerr's Bubble Begins To Flare-Up Inward Korea

Pann: Miranda Kerr looking similar a missy these days


1. [+104, -6] H5N1 seriously disappointing model. Flynn is a mention of her dead ex-boyfriend, Orlando is totally generous. She cheated on Orlando as well as dated his friend. I heard she's called "famewhore" as well as "gold digger" inwards the US. Only our the world treats her popular...

2. [+96, -6] She crazily gets shielded inwards Korea only. She abandoned her hubby as well as her kids as well as went for her friend's hubby because he's a chaebol. I experience bad for Orlando Bloom.

3. [+77, -4] I seriously loathe her. Cheated, divorced as well as never idea of Flynn. But her hubby got all the blames because of the trash journalists... Has no popularity inwards the United States of America as well as her human face upwards is non fifty-fifty at the goddess score but gets as well as then many praises on Pann. Is existence pretty as well as having a skillful torso everything? She's a cheater after all.

4. [+31, -0] The argue why people praised her as well as then much at start was because nosotros didn't know her existent personalities. Now that people had constitute the stories behind the divorce amongst Orlando, we're forthwith criticizing her. Is cheating on Orlando as well as dating his friend something to move proud of? And Miranda's woman parent got to the betoken to move on the Australian TV as well as tell Miranda to contact her. She was amongst Flynn but she left for a rich guy as well as there's the photoshop incident everyone knows about. Her personalities as well as her human face upwards are totally opposite. If I had her face... I'm the i who should've had a human face upwards similar that, non a bitch similar her.

5. [+17, -1] Miranda's parents desperately begged her to contact them because she cutting all the ties amongst her home... Cheater as well as a bad daughter, she does all the bad things.

6. [+15, -1] Am I the entirely i who thinks she gained weight?

7. [+14, -0] She's pop entirely inwards our country. If you lot know her well, it's frustrating.

8. [+12, -0] If her family's claims are true, than she's a full bitch... Acting every bit if she doesn't know her menage unit of measurement as well as doesn't contact them for a year... she's simply a bitch. I jurist her personalities are simply no since these things proceed happening..

9. [+11, -0] Long ago, I read from Victoria Secret that the models bullied Miranda as well as they made it seem similar Miranda was the victim but I forthwith empathize why she was bullied. They all knew close her tsk tsk.

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