
Hello! I am the admin of this website.

This website, "", volition focus on how K-fans (Korean fans) alive inwards the K-pop world.

Many international K-pop fans could hold upward wondering, "how produce K-fans "fangirl"? How much produce they know almost their idols? How produce they back upward their idols? Do they run across K-pop equally the same equally us?"

To respond these questions, I volition post service mostly Nate Pann posts almost K-pop, equally Nate Pann is where all fandoms to a greater extent than oftentimes than non get together to utter over K-pop. K-fans on Pann cause got interesting discussions almost idols together with at that spot are too alot of "fangirling" together with "fanwars" going on. Sometimes, y'all tin dismiss fifty-fifty run across haters ganging upward on an idol together with do witch-hunting, which is really ugly.

As I am fluent inwards both English linguistic communication together with Korean, I volition interpret the Pann posts together with several altitude comments together with volition portion what K-fans enjoin almost K-pop. My posts volition hold upward mainly on Korean FANS, non Korean NETIZENS. Also, the posts volition hold upward really K-pop biased. So when y'all read the posts on my website, delight hold upward reminded that this is non what the full general netizens are saying, equally I'm posting materials coming from fans. And I'll too post service almost k-entertainment, which powerfulness include actors, TV shows, together with scandals.

Im withal struggling to operate amongst Blogger together with then since it looks similar it'll accept me a spell to figure things out, the website volition hold upward a mess together with the posts powerfulness non hold upward perfect & lacking inwards content. Once I larn used to blogger, the posts volition perish to a greater extent than interesting equally I'll foremost beingness picky. So facial expression approximately skilful posts inwards the upcoming weeks. Thanks for reading!

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