Update Starship Gets Defendant Of Sajaegi For Soyu's Solo

Pann: Dirty as well as desperate Loen

Some was released to a greater extent than than xx days agone but they're yet ahead of 2NE1 as well as SNSD, it exceeds Gangnam Style as well as Busker Busker.


1. [+74, -9] Suspicion: Why is every vocal that Sistar features ever charting then high on Melon? Does it brand feel that the steaming publish of Some is twice bigger than Gangnam Style as well as Cherry Blossom Ending? In midnight, Some's steaming publish was 1st with xl l year-old audience, why would ahjussi's as well as ahjumma's brain to Some when they're supposed to last sleeping? And the vocal that hitting the roof the almost is I Cheated (22 times) but Some hitting the roof 47 times as well as it happened past times xl l year-old audience during midnight. Starship has done sajaegis then many times. Yeah the vocal is good, it's non trash. But how tin post away the song's steaming publish last twice bigger than Gangnam Style as well as Cherry Blossom Ending? Is Some THAT popular? The almost suspicious affair is them hitting the roof inward midnight. Oh then Some was actually pop with xl l year-old people, didn't know that ^^

 it exceeds Gangnam Style as well as Busker Busker Update Starship gets defendant of sajaegi for Soyu's solo

"Some exceeded Gangnam Style as well as Cherry Blossom Ending, as well as the 2 songs were the biggest songs"

2. [+60, -9] 3AM as well as they're 1st. Ugh only accept it all, then dirty.

 it exceeds Gangnam Style as well as Busker Busker Update Starship gets defendant of sajaegi for Soyu's solo

3. [+51, -7] I've heard that Starship ever manipulates Sistar since long ago.

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