Update I Moving Painting Sums Upward The Scandals Of 2013

Pann: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 motion-picture demo that sums upward this year's scandals.jpg 

Hyeri - Tony Ahn
Suzy - Sung Joon
Sulli - Choiza


1. [+130, -2] That's a motion-picture demo from concluding year, how did the iii of them care to accept a motion-picture demo together ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Amazing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+123, -2] They had no reckon what would spill out to them inward the future...

3. [+79, -8] Hul daebak. People look to respect this form of things well.

4. [+22, -2] IU was at that spot too, daebak.

5. [+20, -5] Didn't IU postal service this motion-picture demo when she was 20? The jinx of beingness twenty ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

 how did the iii of them care to accept a motion-picture demo together  Update One motion-picture demo sums upward the scandals of 2013

6. [+19, -10] Is that Naeun beside them? She's pretty.

7. [+18, -1] That's Naeun sitting beside them. Four of them are all pretty.

8. [+16, -1] There's Son Naeun... And this is the same high schoolhouse Sehun went to.

9. [+15, -3] Naeun had Taemin, although it wasn't a scandal ㅋㅋㅋ

I've noticed that alot of international fans are confused why Koreans telephone phone them scandals. In English, a scandal is an trial that's morally incorrect or illegal, only inward Korea, a scandal specifically way a "dating issue/rumor". It doesn't hateful anything negative.

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