Update Iu Enrages Pizza Fans

Pann: IU pizza diss controversy.jpg

fan: "Chicken vs pizza, which i create you lot prefer?"
IU: "Pizza is non at the marking to live compared to chicken..."


1. [+52, -1] .... Unni, why don't you lot movement falling for the charm of pizza? I swallow pizza every Friday

Pizza is non at the marking to live compared to chicken Update IU enrages pizza fans

2. [+48, -0] TangSooYook fan Lee Jieun

Pizza is non at the marking to live compared to chicken Update IU enrages pizza fans

fan: "TangSooYook vs Chicken!? I intend you'll pick out chicken"
IU: "Um no? Definitely TangSooYook"

3. [+36, -0] Hurrey for ChickenGod in addition to Pizza!

Pizza is non at the marking to live compared to chicken Update IU enrages pizza fans

fan: "What are you lot gonna swallow for today's dinner?"
IU: "I'm gonna gild chicken in addition to pizza"

4. [+22, -0] First fourth dimension leaving an anti comment to IU... (rage) I volition larn to IU's solid today. And I'll knock on her door in addition to say, "Try Domino's golden spud in addition to Pizza School's sweetness spud pizza". And I volition rank this every bit last, "don't forget the garlic dipping sauce man child " Yehe

5. [+17, -0] How dare you lot mocking PizzaGod... Ha... I'll remain calm since it's IU

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