Update Journalists Break Juicy Rumors Almost Daughter Groups

Pann: Girl groups' brave relationships

When an idol grouping debuts, exclusively 1 fellow member gets attention.
For this reason, a immature adult woman grouping fellow member Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 gained popularity as well as recognition alongside exclusive CF offers as well as acting roles.

The argue why Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 was successful was because she had a sponsor.

Even A's solo album was successful.
And around other fellow member was jealous of A.

The jealous fellow member got a adventure to bring a drinkable alongside A's sponsor.
She tried to seduce A's sponsor at the spot.

She ended upwards seducing him.
So she stole A's sponsor as well as got her ain solo album.

But her solo album flopped completely.
After this incident, Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 as well as the fellow member never became friends again.

As a final result of the jealousy, their teamwork was destroyed.

Sponsors are those alongside billions of dollars. They ain numerous houses as well as run individual businesses. They command the broadcast appearances. 

There are also people that assist to connect celebrities as well as sponsors to write a contract. 
It's basically a dating contract alongside the sponsors.


Another Rumor:

A pop immature adult woman grouping fellow member Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 was inwards a long-term human relationship alongside a composer.
Another fellow member B was eyeing them alongside jealousy.

So B tried to bag him. 
B ended upwards stealing him from Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 as well as they dated for a year.

I gauge the composer was a womanizer.
He vicious inwards beloved alongside around other fellow member C.
And he decided to interruption upwards alongside B.

In conclusion, he dated three members inwards 1 immature adult woman group...

This immature adult woman grouping is non the same grouping equally the previous rumor.
The members are all legal adults.

Another Rumor:

A was a primary song inwards a immature adult woman group. She was the most pop 1 because she was the primary song as well as was pretty equally a doll.

Another fellow member B was a sub-vocal inwards the grouping as well as her fashion was non favored past times Earth hence she was buried nether A.

A was equally good pop hence B ever had to cinema CFs alongside A
and B had to beg the brands to larn have on sponsors.

Even though they were inwards a same group, their levels were totally different.


A's solo album flopped as well as she switched to acting merely she didn't larn whatever praises. So she was starting to live on forgotten.

B in conclusion started to smoothen alongside diversity shows
while Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 was going downhill alongside flops.

B launched a construct alongside her advert as well as promoted equally a fashion mentor.
B's unique fashion was in conclusion beingness liked.

But despite her success, she seemed to live on even hence bitter virtually her early on days...

B was beingness crooked.
B was invited to alot of events, including construct events.
But if Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 was going to attend the same event, B refused to attend it.

After similar situations repeated, the staffs institute it out as well as stopped Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 from attending events for B.

The commercial companies took this equally an wages as well as used B's jealousy for lowering B's CF costs.

But Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 never mistreated B. She was a form someone as well as had cool personalities.


1. [+559, -11] It's Jewelry. Park Jung Ah was pretty as well as had cool personalities hence she was the transcend inwards Jewelry. Seo In Young is instantly much to a greater extent than pop merely during Jewelry's I Really Like You days, she was a nobody. While Seo In Young was beingness jealous of Park Jung Ah, she tried to switch to acting merely she kept failing as well as ended upwards beingness forgotten. At the same time, Seo In Young all of a abrupt got hence pop alongside We Got Married. After that, she was casted inwards other diversity shows as well as got to a greater extent than pop alongside her fashion as well as unique personalities. Meanwhile, Park Jung Ah's dramas were all flopping. Jewelry was meant to live on disbanded merely the fellowship couldn't laissez passer upwards the "oldest immature adult woman group" championship hence they tried to degree a instant Jewelry merely it's a consummate flop. I heard this from a journalist, it's 100% accurate.

2. [+311, -7] (irrelevant)

3. [+249, -133] They're definitely non from the large three companies.

4. [+246, -19] Why hit y'all guys recollect at that spot are no sponsors for the large three companies? You guys are treating the large three similar gods. Then why hit y'all recollect transcend actors as well as other celebrities from powerful companies larn sponsor rumors? They belike earn to a greater extent than than idols, don't they? It's non similar celebrities are becoming pop because nosotros similar them, merely nosotros similar them because they were meant to live on popular. It's piteous how nosotros worship them every time. Entertainment manufacture is no different.

5. [+198, -17] I don't recollect they're Brown Eyed Girls. Their solo albums were all successful as well as they never had an outstanding member. Besides, they all expect real close.

6. [+160, -9] Rainbow - Oh Seung Ah, Jisook    Composer - Sweet Tune

7. [+143, -2] Why are people talking virtually them inwards alphabets? This is Pann hence utter freely.

8. [+136, -4] This TV present also talked virtually this. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 pop immature adult woman grouping fellow member got a drama offering as well as the drama producer suggested to construct her a Pb graphic symbol if she slept alongside him. So she went to the hotel merely she gave up. She called around other fellow member as well as said she couldn't hit it piece sobbing. The fellow member told her to come upwards dorsum home. But the fellow member had ever wanted to hit drama hence she slept alongside the producer instead as well as got the Pb role. Are y'all proverb idols bring no sponsors? Singing as well as acting are completely dissimilar hence why hit y'all recollect producers would work idols who can't deed instead of talented actors? I've heard hence many things virtually the amusement manufacture hence I snort at the arrogant celebrities who recollect they're pop plenty to expect downward at fans, when inwards fact, they got pop because they did those dingy things behind. Tablo as well as his married adult woman said they volition never allow their immature adult woman larn a celebrity because they've seen things. Some fans enjoin their celebrities never did this form of stuff, such innocent kids.

9. [+134, -8] Rainbow Jisook, non exclusively she copies Taeyeon merely she also steals her member's boyfriend. She's the ugliest bitch inwards her grouping as well as her behaviour is also trash.

10. [+125, -0] Male groups must bring alot of sponsors, too. It's non slow for idols to larn pop these days.

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