Update G-Dragon's Amazing Fanservice

Pann: G-Dragon's 4D fanservice


1. [+197, -2] Fans endeavour to affect him every 2nd carefully every 2nd possible but he withal gets scratched because at that topographic point are besides many fans... Please process him carefully.

 Fans endeavour to affect him every 2nd carefully every 2nd possible but he withal gets scratched because at that topographic point  Update G-Dragon's amazing fanservice

2. [+170, -2] My favourite gif

 Fans endeavour to affect him every 2nd carefully every 2nd possible but he withal gets scratched because at that topographic point  Update G-Dragon's amazing fanservice

3. [+164, -2] He does everything, it's simply that at that topographic point aren't many fansigns... And it's actually truly actually difficult to piece of job inwards the fansigns.

 Fans endeavour to affect him every 2nd carefully every 2nd possible but he withal gets scratched because at that topographic point  Update G-Dragon's amazing fanservice

4. [+56, -2] I went to his concert in addition to his fanservice is agency over your expectations... He sings piece making pith contact, lets you lot affect his face, in addition to gives out his dolls. Not simply Gd but Bigbang every 2nd a whole does practiced fanservice.

5. [+52, -0] Seungri ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The safety gave up.

 Fans endeavour to affect him every 2nd carefully every 2nd possible but he withal gets scratched because at that topographic point  Update G-Dragon's amazing fanservice

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