Update Korean Netizens Speculates The Idol Who Had Mistreated A Transgender Woman

Pann: Transgender H5N1 "I used to alive alongside Idol B... I introduced him to run inward a host bar"

A transgender adult woman hereby called A recently uploaded a message on Facebook, revealing details of mistreatment from a manlike individual idol grouping fellow member hereby called B.  According to A, B had joined an existing idol grouping equally a novel fellow member dorsum inward November.  
On Feb 11, H5N1 wrote, "I know that this volition live on similar spitting dorsum into my face, but equally I tin post away no longer accept it, I am going to self-destruct."  According to this message, H5N1 together with B had lived together equally to a greater extent than than merely friends earlier the latter debuted inward an idol group.  A insisted that she helped him out inward diverse ways, including fiscal support.  However, B betrayed her past times coming together other girlfriends merely similar how he previously betrayed his girlfriends earlier dating A. 
She wrote, "Saying he needed to sign a contract alongside the idol group's agency, he borrowed coin together with and thus one-sidedly cutting off all contact alongside me.  After getting a jail cellphone telephone nether my name, he did non settle the utility charges . . . Even piece he was alongside me, he had many lovers.  In addition, he would alternate betwixt siding alongside dissimilar parties to fool roughly alongside people.  The electrical current yous is a populace enemy.  Are yous a sociopath past times whatever chance?
Despite everything, yous had soothed me, but all my honey together with sympathy has right away disappeared.  I no longer experience whatever fidelity towards B.  I experience no duty to protect him . . . I tin post away break all the text messages, SNS, together with to a greater extent than that I've shared alongside B.  I volition larn the biggest obstruction inward your hereafter from right away on."

1. [+65, -0] That guy must live on losing his hon 
("hon" agency soul inward Korean, it's a word-play for the idol's name)

2. [+35, -0] I heard it's Hon from Mr. Mr.

3. [+20, -0] The article says his identity is all over the Internet but where is it? Am I the alone 1 non seeing it?

4. [+7, -0] She secretly filmed videos thus he's alone gonna larn into to a greater extent than trouble. He must live on out of his mind.

5. [+6, -0] If it's true, wow.... Worked inward a host bar together with dated a transgender, I wanna throw up.

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