Update K-Fans At I Time Disapprove Miley Cyrus

Pann: Miley Cyrus's amazing trunk that fifty-fifty seems to move photoshopped


1. [+146  -2] Don't shield Miley Cyrus. She cancelled her concert inwards Canada because in that place were besides many Asians inwards the audience. So the Asian scheme sued her only she sued them back, such a crazy bitch. And she ever does sexual practice performances at concerts. She's out of her heed too fifty-fifty does drugs.

2. [+51  -10] Of course of didactics she paid for the body. She used to await similar this before

s amazing trunk that fifty-fifty seems to move photoshopped Update K-fans at 1 time disapprove Miley Cyrus

3. [+33  -10] In the sitcoms, she was too thence cute too pretty... Hannah Montana... It all started when she she started doing drugs... If she was Korean, she would've grown prettily. Child stars inwards the US of America should come upward to Korea too grow.

4. [+22  -0] Here comes Justin Bieber's soulmate, Miley. They await the same too comport the same. Hurray for too thence much bullshit

5. [+21  -0] I actually liked her when she was the nation's fiddling sis amongst Hannah Montana. Did the fame operate to her head, why is she misbehaving to a greater extent than too more...

6. [+14  -0] This racist idiot is continuously on Pann, what the hell.

7. [+14  -1] I loathe her pictures amongst her natural language sticking out, it's disgusting.

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