Update B.A.P Fans Are Real Proud Of B.A.P's International Success

Pann: Hul.... their degree is totally different

Warner Music's nautical chart of the virtually sold albums inwards this week.


1. [+121, -8] Whenever B.A.P releases an album, they're 1st on the American iTunes hip-hop nautical chart in addition to they likewise sweep the international charts. This album Angel wasn't fifty-fifty hip-hop only they notwithstanding swept the hip-hop charts. So proud.

2. [+99, -10] I'm then proud of B.A.P. They don't actually larn recognized inwards our province only they larn recognized overseas. They debuted alongside this large destination of conquering the Earth, then I promise they piece of employment yesteryear along it up.

s nautical chart of the virtually sold albums inwards this calendar week Update B.A.P fans are really proud of B.A.P's international success

3. [+96, -11] I recall individual maxim that anyone tin strength out larn on the billboard public chart, in addition to that B.A.P is non fifty-fifty at the level. It pissed me off then much! They're precious kids to their fans...

4. [+48, -0] Foreigners persuasion music equally music, only our province views music equally looks. If you're an amazing vocalizer only you're ugly, yous bring no alternative only to move a song trainer or a soloist. But an idol grouping gets pop equally long equally they're handsome, doesn't affair if they can't sing for shit.

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