Update How Rich Are The Exo-M Members?

Pann: Are y'all guys on Pann, knowing Tao is rich inward existent life?.jpg

It was today. Tao was inward Red People's Republic of China too his friend was picking him up. His friend's machine is Maserati Quattroporte... This machine is a novel model that was released merely 2 days agone too costs unopen to $300,000... the fact that his friend has this form of machine shows a possibility that Tao mightiness also last rich irl... too thus I did a footling research.

I institute this photograph yesterday too the caption said "idol communicating for a friend alongside a hearing disability". This was Tao's car... Benz... amazing... 

He has been driving Benz since earlier he debuted

This is Tao's parents' villa inward Qingdao. That identify is expensive because it's correct at the sea... And his mother's machine is BMV too father's machine is Benz. Tao's entire identify unit of measurement is amazing.

Tao uses Chanel for makeups.. he also uses Chanel's lip balms worth $60. Tao, piece of occupation Nature... ^^

Besides these, he was a fan of Gucci fifty-fifty earlier his debut too thus Gucci was never excluded from the gifts Chinese fans give him. And Tao is e'er at duty-free shops, shopping. You... you're also cool, y'all seem too thus unrealistic!!!


1. [+255, -4] lol at 'Tao, piece of occupation Nature' ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+206, -6] Most Chinese people inward Korea are rich. Chinese people are either actually rich or actually poor. It's well-known that Luhan's identify unit of measurement is also actually amazing.

3. [+206, -5] I heard that in that place are no middle-class people inward Red People's Republic of China too thus they're either actually pitiful or actually rich. That's why EXO-M members are all rich.

4. [+134, -1] Not merely Tao but the Chinese members all grew upwardly without whatsoever scarcity too thus they could've been spoiled but they're real polite, innocent too kind. Tao fifty-fifty learned the sign linguistic communication to communicate alongside a friend who's disabled too on Showtime, he gets touched at the smallest things. I knew Tao was a expert soul when he sat inward front end of the granddaddy selling street nutrient too told him that it's actually delicious too to wearable thick clothing since it's mutual depression temperature piece making oculus contact.

5. [+80, -1] To last honest Kris also seems rich... On Showtime, he bought a $50 underwear for Chanyeol's birthday... I knew earlier that Luhan's identify unit of measurement was well-off, but also Tao!! Then Lay must be...

6. [+78, -0] Joonmyun, don't piece of occupation your credit carte anymore...

7. [+77, -2] He lives a rich life but his emotions are too thus child-like. He becomes emotional merely past times looking at the Namsan Tower too he was worried for the granddaddy selling street nutrient because it was cold. Why are y'all too thus unlike from within too out ㅠㅠㅠ this is why I brutal for y'all ㅠㅠ

 Tao was inward Red People's Republic of China too his friend was picking him upwardly Update How rich are the EXO-M members?

8. [+70, -0] Then don't whine at Kris to purchase things.

9. [+68, -0] I heard Luhan also went to a schoolhouse for rich people where y'all had to last the top 5% to attend... Heard he's the solely boy of the third generation or something... I idea he would last arrogant but his personalities were too thus cool too thus I brutal for him... He honestly has everything..ㅠ

10. [+65, -0] And y'all gave your lady friend a Nature production inward the MV???

11. [+65, -0] Use Nature ㅋㅋㅋ too thus funnyㅋㅋ But the fact that such a rich soul likes street nutrient too is beingness amazed at Namsan Towel is merely amazing. Also the fact that he learned sign linguistic communication for his friend. EXO is alright inward full general if excluding the rude fans.

12. [+65, -1] You tin post away enjoin Luhan is rich also because Red People's Republic of China allows passports to solely those inward a higher identify middle-class but he came to Myungdong merely to store too bring fun. Anyways Chinese members all all rich irl.

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