Update Dohee's Friendship Alongside Baro Annoys B1a4 Fans

Pann: Do B1A4 fans loathe Tiny-G Dohee?


1. [+142, -31] I experience actually bad for Dohee. She looks mannered inward interviews together with she tries difficult at everything together with thence why are yous guys together with thence harsh towards the girl?

2. [+132, -131] I used to similar her for her dialect when she showtime appeared on Reply 1994 but straightaway she keeps dragging close the drama. She also said inward an interview that she didn't desire to last asked to beak inward the dialect but she does on TV fifty-fifty when no 1 asks her to.

3. [+130, -104] She was likable at showtime but afterward watching her behaviour on TV, she's a little... good whatever.

4. [+44, -8] Banas didn't seem to attention ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Why create nosotros accept to attention what they think? I personally actually similar Dohee. And she was entirely trying difficult alongside her character, non that she behaves rudely.

5. [+39, -40] I'm a Bana. Honestly I idea she would last prissy because she was but about Baro but afterward seeing her behavior, no. Reply 1994 ended long agone but she yet does the dialect together with she seems arrogant alongside the means she talk.

6. [+33, -3] Most banas similar Baro together with Dohee's friendship, I create too. But I was shocked at how she whispered inward his ears together with touched his trunk carelessly. It's expert that they're friends but they should note downwardly the skinship. No wonder why they accept dating rumors. I don't loathe Dohee but I loathe those rumors, they're both idols afterward all...

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