Update Immature Adult Woman A's Korean Fans Are Proud Of Their Hong Kong Concert

Pann : Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 finished their kickoff concert

This is a meaningful day. Miss A's kickoff concert, give thank y'all you then much for coming. My members, families, Say A's, I actually dear you
- Oldest Unni Fei

MISS Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Hong Kong Concert


1. [+188, -35] Ha, Sooman-ssi, allow f(x) bring their concert, too. Their debut was years ago

2. [+69, -9] I'm proud of them... of all the singers who bring their concerts overseas!

3. [+53, -58] Suzy

 of all the singers who bring their concerts overseas Update Miss A's Korean fans are proud of their Hong Kong concert

4. [+32, -3] The Korean singers proudly had their kickoff concert then what's alongside these people disliking the post together with dipping out? Is in that place a work alongside this post? or are my eyes gone insane???

5. [+31, -21] Are they Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 or Suzy Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 ㅋㅋ

6. [+25, -2] Why are in that place then many dislikes? I'm non a Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fan but this post is simply proverb congratulations for their kickoff concert

7. [+23, -5] Miss Aㅠㅠ I was a Suzy fan then I liked Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 together with institute they all had amazing charms. I'll fangirl anytime ㅠㅠ My comment volition all the same larn dislikes right? Cut it out delight it looks pathetic

 of all the singers who bring their concerts overseas Update Miss A's Korean fans are proud of their Hong Kong concert

8. +23, -3] I was a niggling disappointed because their kickoff concert inwards Hong Kong, non inwards Korea.. But I'm proud for Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 I heard that alot of people went... fighting Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 for 2014

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