Update Exo Fans Are Enraged At D.O's Ex-Girlfriend

Pann: D.O's ex-girlfriend


1. [+46, -4] I know someone who goes to the same academy alongside the daughter in addition to she said the daughter e'er talks shit close Kyungsoo. And I heard her personalities are actually so-so. Kyungsoo, appointment me, I'll hold upwardly your slave.

2. [+45, -1] She posted the motion painting alongside her confront blurred... Kyungsoo dated a incorrect girl, he said he likes girls who convey no imitation personalities. She shouldn't convey posted that. And she's spreading rumors inward her school, she's acre thence fake.

3. [+16, -0] Only the acquaint is important.

4. [+9, -0] Do you lot mean value Kyungsoo is your toy? Fucking bitch, close your oral cavity in addition to halt talking close Kyungsoo. Are you lot butthurt that your high schoolhouse beau is right away a pop idol? Are you lot regretting it? The crazy bitch blurred exclusively her confront in addition to uploaded it.

5. [+8, -0] He was even thence handsome dorsum then.

6. [+7, -0] Kyungsoo, why did you lot appointment a daughter similar that? Well, he's promoting difficult thence let's non verbalize close the bitch anymore, I'm certain Kyungsoo would similar it this way.

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