Update K-Fans Are Amazed At Yura's Drawing Talent

Pann: (really amazing) Yura drew Elsa.jpg


1. [+192, -5] And a talented creative mortal went for approximately other path...

2. [+163, -11] As someone who went to an arts university, looking at the construction of the drawing, shadowing as well as the expression, it's actually well-drawn

3. [+150, -11] Even though y'all tin depict good similar this, it's difficult to alive past times amongst an fine art job. It was a skillful selection of her to create daughter group

4. [+45, -0] I'm ever amazed at her drawings. She draws as well as thence well

5. [+34, -0] Yura's truthful storey - When she decided to debut every moment a celebrity, her friends asked her why she wanted to locomote a celebrity amongst a talent similar that

6. [+24, -1] Our soil greatly ignores people who create arts as well as athletics. 

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