Update B1a4 Lonely Mv Turns Into A Horror (It's Scary, Live On Careful)

Pann: Ah fuck, is this genuinely B1A4's music video?


1. [+119, -1] Amazing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

 I simply watched the MV in addition to it seems to hold out completely normal  Update B1A4 Lonely MV turns into a horror (It's scary, hold out careful)

2. [+100, -0] I wrote this post. I simply watched the MV in addition to it seems to hold out completely normal ㅋㅋㅋ the manful somebody in addition to the woman somebody leads are all good-looking. But the MV withal looks creepy though... He doesn't allow her go, it's scary. 

3. [+91, -0] This scene is totally white in addition to dreamy but you lot changed it to horror ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Amazing.

4. [+20, -0] (not relevant to the post)

5. [+15, -1] (not relevant to the post)

6. [+13, -0] That's non it It's genuinely really white in addition to emotional ㅋㅋㅋ I'm genuinely curious of B1A4 doing a horror concept similar that... They're releasing simply about other album this twelvemonth <3

7. [+13, -0] Hul ㅋㅋㅋ It would hold out funny if they unloosen an R rated MV similar that. Thanks for the express joy ^^

8. [+9, -0] Isn't this MV genuinely unique? It's interesting every fourth dimension I lookout adult man it. It'd hold out funny to convey a horror version though.

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