Update Manlike Individual Idols Alongside A Night History Of Glasses

Pann : Male idols amongst a night history of glasses

B1A4 Sandeul

B1A4 Dongwoo

Infinite Hoya

B2ST Junhyung

B2ST KiKwang

B2ST Doojun

Super Junior Ryeowook

Super Junior Sungmin

EXO Xiumin

EXO Chanyeol

2AM Jokwon

Block B Jaehyo

Block B Pio

Block B Park Kyung

B.A.P Himchan


1. [+31, -4] Chanyeol inwards high school...

2. [+26, -3] Hoot... I acknowledge the night history. (Wait why is at that spot no Kim Jongdae. I'm non an anti, I'm a dissing fan.)

3. [+20, -1] But at that spot are no guys inwards my shape who volition await handsome fifty-fifty later they conduct maintain off their spectacles as well as lose weight.

4. [+14, -2] You conduct maintain to include Jongdae to consummate the night history.

5. [+12, -1] These kids grow upwards as well as destroy our daily lives.

6. [+11, -2] After that nipper loses weight as well as takes off his glasses...

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