Update K-Fans Fence On Woman Soul Idols' Looks

Pann: Ranking for woman individual idols' looks

1. Yoona

2. Sulli

3. Suzy

4. Krystal

5. IU

Others are,


1. [+297, -240] Krystal is much prettier than Suzy.

2. [+262, -203] Krystal is much prettier than Suzy. Tbh I'm neither a Suzy fan or a Krystal fan but I intend Krystal is prettier.

3. [+237, -199] Honestly IU is only no.

4. [+108, -52] IU is pretty but she's non THAT pretty... Tbh IU fans on Nate Pann skyrocketed afterwards Red Shoes. She's non pretty plenty to hold upward on the fifth.

5. [+79, -54] I intend IU is prettier than Suzy... Suzy looks pretty when she's lonely but when she's standing alongside IU, IU looks prettier... Of course, it's my personal preferences.

6. [+67, -38] Best replies are definitely manipulated ㅋㅋㅋ What produce yous hateful Krystal is prettier than Suzy? I don't similar Suzy but she's pretty.

7. [+60, -12] You guys are praising Krystal also much. How tin Krystal hold upward the prettiest amid them... Let's proceed the trouble of praising.

8. [+54, -52] Honestly nosotros should conduct keep IU off of the list.

9. [+48, -19] Suzy in addition to IU are both pretty but when they're together, IU looks smaller in addition to to a greater extent than doll-like in addition to hence IU for me.

10. [+47, -6] Minah is a little...

11. [+42, -24] Suzy is pretty. Krystal is pretty also but she alone has the particular vibe of hers. My preferences.

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