Update Fin.K.L's Anecdotes

Pann: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 daughter group's amazing anedcotes


- One day, the members were having a really bad day. It was a actually hot twenty-four hr catamenia too they didn't larn whatsoever slumber earlier the day. They were at a fansign, too an anti threw a boiled egg at them too ran away. The members were hence pissed off too they cancelled all the schedules to chase afterwards the anti. Eventually, they caught her too asked questions similar "what's your name?" "which schoolhouse create y'all larn to?" "what's your parents' telephone number?" The daughter got scared too cried. The members stayed inward an air-conditioned automobile piece the daughter was out inward the hot atmospheric condition to write a reflection note.

- Lee Hyori had bought an expensive unusual car. She went to drive amongst the car, too her automobile was all of a abrupt covered amongst hence many tomatoes thrown past times god fans. Usually, woman individual idols would remain inward the automobile too telephone vociferation upwards their managing director because they're scared. But Lee Hyori got out of the automobile too shouted, "hey, if y'all don't similar me, too hence y'all tin merely curse at me! Why are y'all throwing tomatoes too pulling this bullshit?!" The god fans got scared too ran away. Since then, they exclusively bullied other members, non Lee Hyori.

- Fin.K.L had a schedule at Jeju Island. They were staying inward a hotel for the night, too Lee Hyori constitute a channel that played erotic films. The members gathered too watched the channel. When they in conclusion looked out the window, it was morning. They were watching porns for the entire nighttime too didn't larn whatsoever sleep. They went to check-out too their hotel fee was nonsense. Apparently, they had to pay for the channel to watch. It costed $3,000 for i night. The members were scolded difficult past times the CEO too they cried, "is it a large incorrect to scout porns ㅠㅠ"

- One day, they were doing the schedules without eating anything. They decided to protestation against their companionship too managing director too snapped at their managing director together. The managing director was mad too yelled, "then larn past times yourselves!!" equally he got out of the car. Usually, daughter groups would apologize too gain in. But Ock Joo Hyun got to the driver's seat, drove to a pilus salon, too went to all the schedules.


1. [+174, -2] Fin.K.L was much worse than the idol groups that are called beagle groups ㅋㅋ They couldn't consume whatsoever amount because they were on a diet too they sneaked out at a nighttime to consume chicken ㅋㅋㅋㅋ And they throw sexual jokes on broadcast ㅋㅋ For example, Sung Yuri said that her complex was her back, too Lee Hyori said, "her front end too her dorsum are both backs" (implying she has no breasts)

2. [+143, -1] Fin.K.L is amazing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're similar neighborhood unnies

3. [+128, -2] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're merely similar neighborhood noonas

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