Update Dispatch's Photograph Shoot Of Tvxq

Pann: Dispatch's idol photograph shoot
These pictures weren't an actual photograph shoot, they were paparazzi shots, but they turned out to await similar a photograph shoot
1. [+144, -19] I recollect the foreigners will mistake together with recollect they're gay
- [+42, -0] It's 100% that foreigners volition recollect they're gay
- [+66, -1] Already suspicious
 but they turned out to await similar a photograph shoot Update Dispatch's photograph shoot of TVXQ
- [+4, -0] I too idea the same thing. In Korea, their fashion is viewed equally cool, but to foreigners, they recollect individual is gay if they're wearing white pants together with over-fashionable items. Foreigners induce got the stereotype
2. [+135, -3] It wasn't intended... They were simply standing equally usual. Their average meridian is 183
 but they turned out to await similar a photograph shoot Update Dispatch's photograph shoot of TVXQ
3. [+106, -3] They're originally handsome
4. [+37, -0] So handsome ㅠㅠㅠㅠ They're tall but they induce got such modest heads... Their proportions are interesting ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Always cheering for you, Yunho together with Changmin ♡
 but they turned out to await similar a photograph shoot Update Dispatch's photograph shoot of TVXQ
5. [+29, -0] Years ago, paparazzi followed TVXQ to Japanese promotions. But the members alone hung out amongst themselves together with in that place wasn't whatever adult woman spotted together with then they released an article of the members eating at a ramen eating seat ㅋㅋ Yunho together with Changmin induce got no controversies to hold upwards works life ㅋㅋ Only their expert stories surface

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