Update Exo's Build Power

Pann: When EXO is a CF model

When other celebrities are models: 

"This vesture is worn past times Suzy, how create y'all similar it? ^^ Try it on, it's pretty, right? ^^"
"Lipstick worn past times Sohee ^^ The coloring is pretty, right? Wanna stimulate it on? ^^"

When EXO is the model:

"Everybody screw off!!!!! We've shape EXO!!!!!! Our model is EXO!!!!!! Look!!!! It's EXO!!!!! Look here!!!!!! It's freaking EXO!!!!! We'll laissez passer y'all the production if y'all purchase an EXO picture!!!!"

And the store branch is spammed amongst EXO pictures surrounding the walls


1. [+178, -8] Honestly, they convey to create it, though ㅋㅋ The lucre increases past times 120% if EXO uses the product

2. [+169, -2] Please drib dead a chicken CF

ll laissez passer y'all the production if y'all purchase an EXO moving-picture demo Update EXO's build power

3. [+148, -3] Fucking Nature, fuck fuck fuck. It's similar buying the photograph carte du jour in addition to getting mitt cream in addition to lip balm equally extra

4. [+67, -1] I'm non-fan precisely I concur ㅋㅋ Whenever I transcend past times Baskin Robbins, the store is spammed amongst EXO posters ㅋㅋ I idea the fans would drib dead a midpoint assault past times that

5. [+62, -2] Honestly, when they role a lip balm at an airport, the lip balm company's profits increment crazily, fifty-fifty if they're non the model or anything ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+60, -0] Even breadstuff ㅋㅋ I yet can't forget the mocha breadstuff war

7. [+53, -1] I went to Myungdong in addition to fucking Nature was like, "EXO!!!! You'll drib dead a moving-picture demo of EXO!!!! EXO!!!! Don't demand anything else!!!! It's EXO!!!!" But I was wretched plenty to survive dragged past times that

8. [+50, -0] Yixing brought a sheep doll to an drome in addition to it was sold out correct away ㅋㅋ And the doll companionship fifty-fifty mentioned Lay ㅋㅋ

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