Update 2012 Blind Items

Blind items inwards 2012. I'm solely posting well-known celebrities

- T-ara is lately controversial because of Hwayoung's bullying scandal. Apparently, this has been happening all the time. Before debut, they took turns in addition to changed bullying targets. The offset target was Soyeon. When Soyeon's woman raise industrial plant life out, she summoned the members in addition to slapped all of them. The targets kept changing, in addition to Hwayoung happened to endure the discovered one.

- Lee Byung Hun in addition to Lee Min Jung are dating. They've been together for quite a while. Lee Byung Hun is dying to espouse her because he had plenty relationships in addition to Lee Min Jung's household unit of measurement is amazingly well-off. He's all-in to her because she's immature in addition to got everything. Lee Min Jung, however, is non genuinely thinking of union yet.

- Go Young Wook is mentally crazy. He finds immature girls sexually attractive. Whether the daughter is disabled or ugly, he's willing to slumber alongside her every bit long every bit she's a teenager. People to a greater extent than or less him receive got already said that he's a pedophile.

- When GD's marijuana scandal broke out, it was genuinely Sandara in addition to Park Bom that were caught. YG people inwards full general are heavily using drugs, including Yang Hyun Suk. Everybody inwards the society does drugs. The rootage of the drugs is Sandara in addition to Park Bom. They normally hang out at clubs. They were openly doing drugs then they were reported. They media-played it alongside GD instead because GD already had a lot of scandals then this was going to endure forgotten sooner. And when Daesung got into a machine accident, they told the victim's reps that they'll plow over a short town they wished. The victim's reps said 100 1000000 won. YG acted dingy in addition to seat it downwards to lxx 1000000 won. The victim's reps agreed alongside it, only YG solely gave them xx 1000000 won. They're directly threatening the victim's reps that they'll plow over the balance of the short town if they remain quiet.

- SM has a difficult fourth dimension controlling SNSD. They're also pop then they don't psyche to their manager. They're rattling ignorant in addition to non mannered then they're unstoppable. They're ameliorate when they're together only they're non individually talented then they don't produce good inwards dramas in addition to MCs. SM is trying to plow over MC spots to them yesteryear suggesting at a genuinely inexpensive cost, only most TV shows soundless spend upward them. Even on multifariousness shows, the casts freak out when they listen that SNSD volition endure the guest. Idols, comedians, in addition to manly someone celebrities are all non also fond of SNSD.

- Jung Hyung Don's married adult woman Han Yoo Ra was dating a PD for a long time. The PD had taken attention of Han Yoo Ra's operate since she was a rookie writer. Jung Hyung Don knew she had a swain only soundless hitting on her because she was pretty. She was confused, in addition to he gave his BMW machine every bit a gift. Because of that, she decided to endure a two-timer in addition to dated both. The PD afterward heard most it from a broadcast staff in addition to broke upward alongside her.


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