Update Zico's Personalities?

Pann: Why are people maxim that Zico has adept personalities?

(Pann talks almost Zico's scandals)


1. [+128, -106] You're looking also into the scandals. If yous spotter the video of the Thailand controversy, you'll run across that it's non actually problematic. The editing was manipulated together with the argue why he said $7 was because his actual monthly income was $15 together with someone told him to donate the one-half of his monthly income. That's why he said $7. He's a real dainty person, yous tin give notice run across it on four Things Show. He's responsible together with people praise him. You tin give notice tell his values inwards his mixtape

2. [+108, -41] I'm a BBC but I never idea he had adept personalities. He's simply a piffling to a greater extent than responsible than the guys simply about his age

3. [+70, -87] I intend Block B fans are trying to conk an icon of a adept someone ㅋㅋ I'm non trying to bash or anything but I never run across him having adept personalities. It's adept that he's working difficult amongst his rigid mentality but that doesn't tell that he has adept personalities ㅋㅋ I don't intend Block B has adept personalities. If they were woman someone idols, they would've been at T-ara's level

4. [+50, -32] Good personalities? ㅋㅋ If they were a daughter group, they would live on over already

5. [+43, -29] I intend the same. I know that he worked difficult to laissez passer on his dream together with I know that he tin give notice rap. But I don't actually similar him because of Thailand contention together with putting downwardly disabled people. Just because he shaved his caput once, it doesn't hateful that his mistakes volition larn away... I don't empathise when people nation he has adept personalities

6. [+40, -8] He's responsible, but he doesn't receive got adept personalities

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