Update Baekhyun In Addition To Chanyeol's English Fails

Instiz: EXO members don't look to endure proficient inwards English

Baekhyun doesn't know how to land "you", then Chen mouths the spelling for him

Chanyeol misspells "delight"

Chanyeol misspelles "rhythm" equally "rythem"

Chanyeol wrote "Chris mas day" instead of "Christmas Day"


- Reminds me of Yuri ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- I tin halt empathize them merely non knowing the spelling of "you" is equally good much

- It's OK, I'm non proficient inwards English, either ㅋㅋ Nobody's perfect

- Why is Chanyeol making then many mistakes ㅋㅋㅋ He as well as I involve to written report together

- It's because they're from EXO planet... They however haven't mastered the languages on the Earth

- Maybe Chanyeol wrote "chris mas day" because of Kris

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