Update 8 Arrogant Fandoms

(In this context, 'being besides proud' is equivalent to 'being arrogant')

Pann: Fandoms that are acting besides proud of their singers

1. TVXQ fans
2. JYJ fans
3. Block B fans
4. Bigbang fans
5. Suzy fans
6. EXO fans
7. Apink fans
8. IU fans


1. [+557, -164] Honestly, I don't intend TVXQ, JYJ, in addition to Bigbang fans are that arrogant ㅋㅋ And they deserve to last proud, though. Their flat in addition to career are only at a unlike level. I've also never seen Block B fans beingness besides proud of Block B. I intend Suzy fans in addition to EXO fans are worse

2. [+376, -140] SM fans. They're actually proud of SM

3. [+267, -98] I intend SM fans, Suzy fans, in addition to Apink fans are the worst. SM fans are arrogant amongst their fandom size, Suzy fans are arrogant amongst Suzy's looks, in addition to Apink fans are arrogant amongst their innocent concept. You're allowed to last proud if your vocalist is similar Cho Yong Pil or SES... Wake up, kids

4. [+118, -8] I intend TVXQ, JYJ, in addition to Bigbang fans are allowed to last proud. And I've never seen those fandoms acting arrogant

5. [+108, -27] EXO fans bash other fandoms amongst nonsense. Suzy fans intend Suzy is the greatest celebrity. Apink fans are besides proud of Apink's innocent concept

6. [+106, -35] EXO-roaches are the worst

7. [+96, -1] Since when did TVXQ, JYJ, in addition to Bigbang fans deed arrogant acre bashing other singers?

8. [+91, -33] I actually concord amongst Suzy fans ㅋㅋ They intend she's a talented actress amongst an amazing career in addition to worldwide goddess looks

9. [+90, -8] I intend TVXQ in addition to Bigbang fans convey the correct to last proud. Just hold back at the singers' class, the fans volition last proud, of course

10. [+88, -27] EXO-Ls are acting in addition to then proud ㅋㅋ They exhibit off the publish of the awards EXO got inwards 3 years, but DB5K in addition to Bigbang got equally much awards equally them. But they intend EXO is the exclusively ane ㅋㅋㅋ

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