Update Shinhwa Releases Teaser For Championship Rail 'Target'

Pann: Shinhwa releases MV teaser for twelfth album championship runway 'Target'


1. [+76, -7] They easily crunch electrical flow idols! Who would believe that they're nigh to striking 40?! I went to a music present recording together with I saw Shinhwa fans that were students... I was amazed

2. [+73, -4] I realized that men get-go to bloom when they striking thirty later seeing Shinhwa. Dongwan is crazy, why is he getting sexier

 I went to a music present recording together with I saw Shinhwa fans that were students Update Shinhwa releases teaser for championship runway 'Target'

3. [+72, -4] Woah, together with then cool. I'm actually looking frontward to it. Such a overnice teaser

4. [+33, -2] To those that are bashing Shinhwa for their quondam age, your oppars volition dice old, too. Time passes fast. You tin bash if your grouping members unite later they complete their armed forces service. Shinhwa is leaving a tape ㅋㅋ Andy debuted when he was 18. Half of his life was Shinhwa, create you lot know how amazing it is... Idols are known to live on short-span together with they're a living legend... I convey the correct to live on proud!!

 I went to a music present recording together with I saw Shinhwa fans that were students Update Shinhwa releases teaser for championship runway 'Target'

5. [+28, -1] There mightiness live on idols who piece of occupation past times Shinhwa past times selling to a greater extent than albums, having to a greater extent than fans, together with beingness stronger physically. But they won't live on similar Shinhwa when they age. Shinhwa is the best. Hyesung's dark pilus is amazing

6. [+25, -1] I don't empathise why other fandoms bash Shinhwa for trying this concept at an quondam historic catamenia ㅋㅋ Do you lot intend your bias volition terminal long similar them?

7. [+23, -1] This is the existent sexiness. Male idols these days are aught together with silent they're called sexy ㅡㅡ

8. [+20, -1] They were together with then sexy during This Love

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