Update Snsd Too F(X) Taking Tending Of Reddish Velvet

Pann: SNSD too f(x) taking assist of Red Velvet

"Chocolate made past times Red Velvet babies"


1. [+87, -0] I'm real thankful of Tiffany, Amber, too Yoona ㅠㅠ

2. [+84, -5] Yeah SNSD actually takes assist of Red Velvet ㅠㅠ

 Yeah SNSD actually takes assist of Red Velvet  Update SNSD too f(x) taking assist of Red Velvet

3. [+59, -25] Why does Taeyeon hold off too thus cute inward this motion-picture demonstrate ㅋㅋ I'm thankful of f(x) too Soshi for taking assist of booya kids ㅠㅠ I promise alone skillful matter would order to the iii groups this year!

 Yeah SNSD actually takes assist of Red Velvet  Update SNSD too f(x) taking assist of Red Velvet

4. [+33, -0] Joohyun organizing Yoona's pilus ㅠㅠ

 Yeah SNSD actually takes assist of Red Velvet  Update SNSD too f(x) taking assist of Red Velvet

5. [+28, -1] Tiffany dancing to Red Velvet too acting cute ㅠㅠㅠ <3

 Yeah SNSD actually takes assist of Red Velvet  Update SNSD too f(x) taking assist of Red Velvet

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