Update Minah Snaps At A Plastic Surgical Physical Care For Inquiry On A Japanese Show

Pann: H5N1 rookie daughter grouping member's straight-forwardness

Girl's Day was on a Japanese exhibit when they were a rookie group. The Japanese panelists kept bespeak weird questions. The topic was nearly Korean women's plastic surgery, together with 1 of them asked sarcastically, "which purpose did yous larn done?" Minah snapped, "if yous inquire me those questions 1 to a greater extent than time, I'm going to shovel spicy nutrient together with freaking kill you." (She did tell "freaking")


1. [+164, -16] Woah daebak. Minah is likable ㅋㅋ
2. [+157, -12] Really straight-forward ㅋㅋ
3. [+136, -18] Isn't it a famous story? Well it's likely because I'm a Minah stan ㅠㅠ Girl's Day members are cute

s Day was on a Japanese exhibit when they were a rookie grouping Update Minah snaps at a plastic surgical physical care for query on a Japanese show

4. [+92, -1] Better than Kara who was alone grin when they were asked, "who produce yous intend owns Dokdo island?"
5. [+59, -1] How tin they inquire such a sensitive query to woman individual celebrities... Minah was really witty ㅋㅋ
6. [+54, -0] This incident actually shocked Japanese people. This was likewise a really hot resultant on Japanese portal sites. In Japan, it's never possible that a celebrity, aspecially a rookie one, to larn mad inwards the optic of filming. It's likewise considered to live really rude if they inquire nearly plastic surgical physical care for on a show, therefore all criticisms went to the show. The rumor of "every Korean gets plastic surgery" was gone because of this, together with they stopped writing articles of how plastic surgical physical care for is a must inwards Korea. If Girl's Day didn't produce this, together with then the Japanese shows together with media would nevertheless live bullying Korea alongside plastic surgery
7. [+34, -0] What's of import is that this exhibit was cancelled afterwards this ㅋㅋㅋㅋ And they stopped mentioning nearly Korea's plastic surgery

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