Update Immature Lady A Vs 4Minute

Pann: Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 as well as 4Minute


1. [+74, -6] Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 sank afterward Suzy became a wall merely Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 swept rookie awards as well as daesang when they debuted

2. [+62, -8] 4Minute for talent. Both bring like popularity. Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 for populace recognition

3. [+55, -2] Only Suzy as well as Hyuna are pop from those groups. As a group, they both lack recognition

4. [+31, -14] The comments are underrating 4Minute... 4Minute was pop when they debuted alongside Hot Issue. Muzik, Heart To Heart, Mirror Mirror, Volume Up as well as I My Me Mine all did well

5. [+25, -19] Of course of education it's Miss A

6. [+25, -15] 4Minute

7. [+23, -9] Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 for me

8. [+22, -15] Miss A, of course. They won #1 as well as daesang alongside their debut song

9. [+20, -16] If we're looking at them equally groups, as well as hence it's 4Minute

10. [+18, -6] Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 for me

11. [+16, -15] Why are people underrating 4Minute? 4Minute members tin sing, dance, act, as well as are skillful on multifariousness shows ㅠㅠ

12. [+13, -5] 4Minute has ii useless members. Miss Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 doesn't bring useless members merely none of them are outstandingly talented, either

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